Enter Data in Smart View Forms

Smart View Form Layout

The CalPlan and HCP forms in Smart View have the same functionality as in the web interface. However, there are some minor differences in the layout and user interface:

  • Your Point of View (POV) appears at the top of the form. Use the drop-down menus and the Refresh button to update your POV. The Refresh button works just like the green arrow does in the web interface
  • For forms with multiple tabs, Excel worksheet tabs are used instead of tabs at the top of the form. You can only work with one form at a time in an Excel file. To work with another form, open a new workbook

Background Colors in Forms

The color of the cell shading indicates the update status. You can change the background colors of editable and non-editable cells if you want. See the Smart View Options chapter for details.

Light Yellow

Edits are allowed

Dark Yellow

Edits have been made but not submitted (saved to the database)


Read-only because it is a prior period


Read-only because it is a calculated value

Note: The CalPlan Actualized Form shows variances with conditional formatting for those in excess of $1,000; green is favorable; red is unfavorable.

Enter Data in Smart View Forms

Enter or Edit Data

  • You can enter data in any cell that is light yellow. If you want to write over an edit that hasn’t been saved (dark yellow), you can do that too
  • Some of the CalPlan forms allow you to display summary or detail data. If you don't see yellow cells, you may need to change the POV to the detail level for Entity, Fund, or Chart1. Or you may need to expand Period to see the months
  • Enter data by typing it in the cell or by copying and pasting into a single cell or a range of cells

There are a variety of ways you can access the copy and paste commands:

  • Keyboard: [Ctrl+C] and [Ctrl+V]
  • Right-click: Copy and Paste on the menu
  • Ribbon: Copy and Paste buttons

Note: In Smart View, you may only paste data once; to paste again, you’ll need to copy again

Correct Mistakes

There are two ways to correct a mistake made while entering data:

  • Right-click to open the Quick Menu and select Smart View \ Undo or
  • Delete the data or re-enter the correct values

There are two ways to delete data you have entered:

  • Select the cell(s) and press [Delete] or
  • Select the cell(s), right-click and select Clear Contents from the Quick Menu

Save Changes in CalPlan

To save your changes in CalPlan, select the Submit Data button on the Planning ribbon. This copies the data from Excel to the CalPlan database.

Submit data button on Planning ribbon

Caution: There is no Undo functionality for this command, so take a moment to review before clicking Submit Data. As a precaution, you may wish to save a copy of the form with the data as a backup before making changes.

Note: If you want to enter zeros in your plan, Submit Zero must be checked in the Options dialog box. From the Submit Zero box in the Options dialog box. From the Smart View ribbon, select the Options button, select Data Options, and check the Submit Zero box.

hands on keyboard Practice - Exercise 2

Complete Exercise 2 to practice before continuing.