Smart View Functionality

Smart View Functionality: Cell Actions

There are some valuable functions available from the drop-down menu on the Cell Actions button that are described in this chapter:

These cell actions are available on all CalPlan and HCP forms.


You can add comments to a cell to describe the rationale for $ and timing to help yourself and others understand your plan. This is particularly valuable when you return to your plan after a period of time or inherit a plan that someone else has created.

1. Select cell to which you want to add a comment.

2. From the Planning ribbon, open the drop-down menu on the Cell Actions button and select Comments.

Menu with Cell Actions Comments highlighted

3. Select the + button to add a comment.

4. Enter your comment in the text box.

5. Select the Save button to save the comment.

6. Select the Close command button to close the dialog box.

7. Smart View indicates that there is a comment on the cell with a thin blue line around the cell. While you cannot change the thickness of the line, you can change the color of the line or use a different color of background shading. To do this, select the Options button on the Smart View ribbon, select Cell Styles from the left panel, expand Planning and Data Cells so you can select Cell text. Then open the drop-down list from the Properties button.

Options cell properties

8. Set the properties as desired and then select OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.


The history feature shows the history of data in a specific cell. You can see the prior value, who changed it and when. To see history for a cell:

1. Select the cell

2. From the Planning ribbon, open the drop-down menu on the Cell Actions button

3. Select History

Supporting Details

Use Supporting Details to enter detail items to aggregate to a single cell value in a form. It is the mathematical equivalent to Comments.

  • You must have write access to create, change or delete supporting details
  • You can only add supporting details to base time periods, e.g. month
  • Numeric precision formatting is not reflected in the Supporting Details window

Enter Supporting Details

1. Select the cell for which you want to add detail.

2. From the Planning ribbon, open the drop-down menu on the Cell Actions button and select Supporting Details.

Supporting Details highlighted on Cell Actions menu

3. Select the + Add Child button

Supporting Details dialog box with Add Child highlighted

4. Enter a text description and an amount

Supporting Details dialog box with one row entered

5. For additional entries, you can add a child or a sibling, depending on the relationship you want to show. In this example, the entries are siblings. If you want to show a subordinate relationship (indented), select Add Child instead of Add Sibling.

Supporting Details dialog box with two rows of detail

6. When all of your detail entries sum to the amount in the cell, click Submit

hands on keyboard Practice - Exercise 4

Complete Exercise 4 to practice.

End of Self-Study

This concludes the self-study portion of Smart View for Planning. Please be sure to join the scheduled group session to review the self-study and work on a case study.