CalRptg and HCPRptg are available
for reporting from CalPlanning and Smart View. Reminder: Click on the Explore button to access reports, including the Key Controls report.
CalPlan/HCP unavailable starting February 10
As we prepare to kick off the FY2025 - 26 budget process, please note that the CalPlanning tools CalPlan and HCP are unavailable for edits starting at 8 a.m. on Monday, February 10 and they will remain unavailable until early March while we make the following updates to the system:
- CalPlan will be unavailable while we actualize the Forecast, and update central transfers for FY25 and FY26.
- HCP will be unavailable while we load updated UCPath HCM data for planners to review and selectively copy to HCP.
Meanwhile, the CalRptg and HCPRptg reporting applications will continue to be available to run reports and Smart View queries.
February 2025 Actual Data Load
- CalRptg and Cal Answers will be updated with closed February Actuals on Wednesday morning, March 12
CalPlan and HCP and HCPRptg will be updated with February Actuals on Tuesday morning, March 18
January 2025 Actual Data Load
- CalRptg and Cal Answers were updated with closed January Actuals on Wednesday morning, February 12
CalPlan and HCP and HCPRptg will be updated with January Actuals later in February as we prepare to kick off the FY2025 - 26 budget process in early March
More BFS Monthly Close and Fiscal Year Close details can be found on the Controller's website.
FY25 Forecast & FY26 Operating Budget snapshots
The versions below are a copy of Working as of the date indicated:
- Initial - copy of FY24 Operating Budget Final - 10/4/2024
- Q1 Submission - 11/18/2024
- Q2 Submission - 2/10/2025 tentative
- R1 - 10/23/2024
- R2 - 2/10/2025 tentative
- R3 - early March 2025 tentative
- PriorMnth - 1/17/2025
- Planner Submission - Spring 2025, after FY26 Operating Budget deadline