September 21, 2018
September 2018 CalPlanning Release Notes
The CalPlanning FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget are now available for planning. Data from CalPlanning FY19 Operating Budget Working were sources for FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget.
All new users need to set their Financial Reporting point-of-view (POV) preferences.Please refer to the following job aid to set your POV preferences: CalPlanning: Enabling Reporting POV Preview
Browser Quick Tip: Make sure you’re accessing CalPlanning via Citrix or IE 11. If you’re using IE 11, review this job aid on updating your settings.
Overview of FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget
1 Data Sources
We copied the FY19 Operating Budget Final version to both the FY19 Forecast Initial version and FY20 Operating Budget:
FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget Initial and are available for reporting
FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget Working are available for editing (both CalPlan and HCP) and reporting
Read below for more details, including Actuals, Beginning Balance Loads, and how FY19 HCP data was copied to FY20.
2 Actualized Forecast
With the Actualized Forecast process at the close of each month, we overwrite the Forecast values with Actuals data from BFS for all accounts: non-compensation accounts in CalPlan and compensation accounts in HCP.
The closed months (July 2018 to August 2018) of the FY19 Forecast Working now reflect actual data.
3 HCP copy from FY19 to FY20
HCP data for FY19 Forecast Initial version is identical to FY19 Operating Budget Final version.
HCP data for FY19 Forecast Working version includes the following:
Actualized July and August periods updated GAEL and fee remission rates have been applied.
Some corrections were made to positions that should have been pooled - but were not. DFLs affected by this are receiving individualized emails. (See below)
HCP data for FY20 Operating Budget Working version was created in the following manner:
For individual and new/to-be-hired employees, the data in the month of June 2018 for monthly pay rate and distributions were copied to all periods of FY20. Merit increases for FY20 were applied as follows:
Academic employee monthly pay rate was increased by 3% starting in July
Non-academic staff employee monthly pay rate July to September periods do not have the salary increase, the October period reflects a 12% increase (because the increase is usually retroactive); and the following months are increased by 3%
For pooled positions,
FY19 Operating Budget data was copied over to FY20 so it retains the same seasonality
FY19 monthly pay rate for pooled employees has been increased by 3% to seed planned FY20 salaries with the 3% merit. This increase is spread evenly in all months in FY20.
Dept ID adjustments were not copied from FY19 to FY20
Changes were made to the pooled position job code list, mostly adding more adjunct and visiting professor job codes so that they will be planned as pooled positions and changing a small number of health professional job codes so they will be planned as individual employees. See below for details.
Recommended action: Planners will need to check to make sure the copied data do not result in overplanned employees in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget (for example, if an employee was meant to end employment in June 2019, they have been extended into the following budget year with this process.)
GAEL and fee remission rates have been updated for FY19 and FY20 in CalPlanning (rates are available below).
FY19 and FY20 CBR rates have not been approved by the Federal Government, and thus no changes have been applied. Once we have approved rates, we will update these in a future release.
4 FY19 Beginning Balance Details
Beginning Balances reported in CalPlan and CalRptg contain data seeded from BFS FY19 period 0 Actuals.
For most funds, Beginning Balances do not contain period 0 TempBudg. Only a small number of Contract and Grant (C&G) funds, including Financial Aid and Federal Appropriation funds, have continued to use TempBudg in BFS since the C&G implementation, so their Beginning Balances continue to include Period 0 TempBudg and Actuals in CalPlanning.
These ranges are as follows:
Financial Aid Funds (ranges 23490-23548, 23601-23603, and 33980-33990)
Federal Appropriation Funds (ranges 21000-21099 and 33870-33899)
NOTE: Data for inactive Contract and Grant (C&G) funds are excluded from CalPlanning for FY19 Beginning Balances (no changes were made to earlier fiscal years.)
5 FY19 Forecast to FY20 Operating Budget
FY19 Forecast Working Version Ending Balances flow to the Beginning Balances of the FY20 Operating Budget Working version throughout the planning cycle.
FY19 and FY20 Central Transfers and Commitments have been loaded into CalPlanning from a combination of Actuals data and planned data from the Campus Commitment Database.
General allocation account 71110 was updated to Actual values for FY2018-19 with the actualizing of plan values. (Planned values in this account code reflect Form A data yet to occur.) The FY2019-20 general allocation account 71110 has been seeded with August permanent budget data.
Account 72210 Regents Endowment/FFE FY2018-19 Actual Payout has been copied to the FY2019-20 Operating Budget. Information from University Development and Donor Relations (UDAR) about fund performance will be available in the FY2019-20 Operating Budget Guidelines for potential planner adjustments.
Accounts in the Campus Support 712xx and 714xx series have been updated with the most recent commitments data available by the Financial Planning & Analysis team for open periods for both planning years. (Inclusion in the OCFO commitment database does not guarantee future funding. All amounts are subject to change.) Data in these accounts for closed periods reflects actual transacted commitments.
Accounts in the 713xx series have been updated for closed periods with Actuals for the FY19 Forecast Working version. Accounts in the 71xxx series will be further updated in the spring with Form A data provided by the DFLs for both planning years. Cell comments from FY19 Operating Budget Final version have been copied to FY20 Operating Budget Working version to assist in your planning. We recommend you edit these comments as appropriate.
6 What is in the FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget Working Versions
The table below outlines what was seeded in the FY19 Forecast Working and FY20 Operating Budget.
FY19 Forecast Working
CalPlan & HCP July 2018 to August 2018 overwritten with Actual data for all accounts |
CalPlan September 2018 to June 2019
HCP September 2018 to June 2019
*Compensation in this context includes fee remissions
FY20 Operating Budget Working
CalPlan July 2019 to June 2020
HCP July 2019 to June 2020
*Compensation in this context includes fee remissions
7 CalPlan Task List New Look!
We’ve re-organized the CalPlan Tasklist to make updating your plan data easier. We moved the Intersection Forms up in the list and revised their names.
CalPlan Task List February 2018 |
CalPlan Task List September 2018 |
Updates to CalPlan Intersection Form & Tab Names
We’ve updated the names of the CalPlan Intersection Forms & Tabs to support editing CalPlan data in Smart View.
CalPlan Task List February 2018 |
CalPlan Task List September 2018 |
Intersection Form by Entity
Entity Intersection Form (EIF)
CalPlan Task List February 2018 |
CalPlan Task List September 2018 |
Intersection Form by Account
Account Intersection Form (AIF)
CalPlanning Reporting - Quick Access to Accurate Data
Reminder: Actuals are available on a daily basis in CalRptg.
Details for Reference
Composite Benefit Rates, Fee Remission, and GAEL
Composite Benefit Rates have not been changed for planning purposes.
Composite Benefit Rates (CBR) - no change from plan yet |
FY19 |
FY20 |
Academic |
40.0% |
40.0% |
Staff |
48.0% |
48.0% |
Limited |
16.0% |
16.0% |
Students (Graduate and Undergraduate) |
0% |
0% |
Fee remission rates have been updated with newer rates.
Fee Remission by HCP Pooled Position Type per Semester |
FY19 |
FY20 |
GSR - Resident |
$9,438.50 |
$9,803.00 |
GSR - Non-Resident |
$16,989.50 |
$17,354.00 |
$8,658.00 |
$9,007.00 |
Reader/Tutor - Student |
$8,658.00 |
$9,007.00 |
The GAEL rate has been updated with the new rate that was announced in August.
FY19 |
FY20 |
General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL) rate |
1.55% |
1.55% |
See the Composite Benefit Rates (CBR) or General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL) websites for more information.
Pooled position job code changes
Adjunct Professors |
1547 Adjunct Instructor-Gencomp-A 1548 Asst Adjunct Prof-Gencomp-A 1549 Assoc Adjunct Prof-Gencomp-A 1560 Adjunct Prof-Gencomp-A 1573 Adjunct Instructor-Fy-Gencomp 1574 Asst Adjunct Prof-Fy-Gencomp 1575 Assoc Adjunct Prof-Fy-Gencomp 1576 Adjunct Prof-Fy-Gencomp 1700 Recall Teaching 1702 Recall Faculty 1728 Asst Adjunct Prof-Medcomp-A 1729 Assoc Adjunct Prof-Medcomp-A 1730 Adjunct Prof-HCOMP 1747 Adj Instructor-Gencomp B 1748 Asst Adj Professor-Gencomp B 1749 Asso Adj Professor-Gencomp B 1750 Adj Professor-Gencomp B 1767 Adjunct Instructor-Medcomp-B 1768 Asst Adjunct Prof-Medcomp-B 1769 Assoc Adjunct Prof-Medcomp-B 1770 Adjunct Prof-Medcomp-B 1787 Adjunct Instructor-Fy-Medcomp 1788 Asst Adjunct Prof-Fy-Medcomp 1789 Assoc Adjunct Prof-Fy-Medcomp 1790 Adjunct Prof-Fy-Medcomp 1887 Adjunct Instructor-Sft-Pc 1888 Asst Adjunct Professor-Sft-Pc 1889 Assoc Adjunct Professor-Sft-Pc 1890 Adjunct Professor-SFT-PC 1907 Adjunct Instructor-Sft-Vm 1908 Asst Adjunct Professor-Sft-Vm 1909 Assoc Adjunct Professor-Sft-Vm 1910 Adjunct Professor-Sft-Vm 3259 Adj Professor-Fis Yr 3268 Asso Adj Professor-Acad Yr 3269 Asso Adj Professor-Fis Yr 3278 Asst Adj Professor-Acad Yr 3279 Asst Adj Professor-Fis Yr 3288 Adj Instructor-Acad Yr 3289 Adj Instructor-Fis Yr 3360 Adj Instructor-Acad Yr-1/9 3361 ASST ADJ PROF-AY-1/9 3362 ASSOC ADJ PROF-AY-1/9 3363 ADJ PROF-AY-1/9 3365 Asst Adj Professor-Aca Yr-1/10 3366 Asso Adj Prof-Acad Yr-1/10 3367 Adj Professor-Acad Yr-1/10 3368 Asst Adj Prof-AY-1/10-BEE 3369 Asso Adj Prof-AY-1/10-BEE 3371 Asst Adj Prof-Acad Yr-B/E 3372 Asst Adj Prof-Fis Yr-B/E 3373 Asst Adj Prof-AY-1/9-B/E 3374 Asso Adj Prof-Acad Yr-B/E 3375 Asso Adj Prof-Fis Yr-B/E 3376 Asso Adj Prof-AY-1/9-B/E 3377 Adj Professor-Acad Yr-B/E 3378 Adj Professor-Fis Yr-B/E 3379 Adj Prof-Acad Yr-1/9-B/E 3380 Adj Prof-AY-1/10-BEE |
Visiting Professors |
1102 Vis Professor-Acad Yr-1/9 1108 Visiting Professor 1118 Vis Professor-Fis Yr 1188 Vis Professor-Law School 1202 Vis Asso Professor-Acad Yr-1/9 1208 Visiting Associate Professor 1218 Vis Asso Professor-Fis Yr 1302 Vis Asst Professor-Acad Yr-1/9 1308 Visiting Assistant Professor 1318 Vis Asst Professor-Fis Yr 1421 Vis Professor-Acad Yr-B/E 1422 Vis Professor-Fis Yr-B/E 1423 Vis Professor-Acad Yr-1/9 1424 Vis Asso Professor-Acad Yr-B/E 1425 Vis Asso Professor-Fis Yr-B/E 1426 Vis Asso Prof-Acad Yr-1/9-B/E 1427 Vis Asst Prof-Acad Yr-B/E 1428 Vis Asst Professor-Fis Yr-B/E 1429 Vis Asst Prof-Acad Yr-1/9-B/E 1431 Vis Professor-Gencomp 1432 Vis Assoc Professor-Gencomp 1433 Vis Asst Professor-Gencomp 1434 Vis Instructor-Gencomp 1531 Vis Professor-Gencomp-Ptc 1532 Vis Asso Professor-Gencomp-Ptc 1533 Vis Asst Professor-Gencomp-Ptc 1534 Vis Instructor-Gencomp-Ptc 1711 Vis Instructor-Medcomp 1712 Vis Asst Professor-Medcomp 1713 Vis Assoc Professor-Medcomp 1714 Vis Professor-Medcomp |
Lecturerthese job codes were previously planned individually and are now added to the Lecturer pooled position |
1550 Lect in Summ Sess 1630 Lecturer - Academic Year 1631 Lecturer-AY-Continuing 1632 Lecturer - Academic Yr - 1/10 1633 Lecturer-Ay-1/10 -Continuing 1634 Lecturer - Fiscal Year 1635 Lecturer - FY - Continuing 1636 Lecturer-Acad Yr-1/10 1637 Lecturer-AY-1/10-Continuing 1640 Sr Lecturer - Academic Year 1641 Sr. Lecturer-AY-Continuing 1642 Senior Lecturer-Acad Yr-1/10 1643 Sr. Lect.-AY-1/9-3yr-Contin 1644 Senior Lecturer - Fiscal Yr 1645 Sr Lecturer-FY-Continuing 1646 Sr. Lecturer -- AY-- 1/10 1647 Sr Lecturer-AY1/10-Continuing 1650 Lect Misc/Part-Time 1676 Lecturer/Sr Lecturer-WOS-FY |
Per Diem |
Per Diem |
0585U Physician 5 4393 Counseling Psychologist 3 4393U Counseling Psychologist 3 6000 STDT HEALTH PHYSCN 5 6000C STDT HEALTH PHYSCN 5 6001 STDT HEALTH PHYSCN 4 6001C STDT HEALTH PHYSCN 4 |