Excel Formulas in Forms

Excel Formulas in Forms

You can create Excel formulas in cells inside or outside the grid (form) if the cells are not read-only or locked. When you Submit Data, the results of any formulas in the grid are loaded to CalPlan (or HCP).

A calculation formula may be mathematical, e.g. 23 * 17, or it may reference other cells. For example, if you expect an expense to increase by 5% in the coming year, you could create a formula in the Operating Budget that references a cell in the Forecast such as =E5 * 1.05.

Formulas are preserved in forms when you submit data, refresh the form, later open the saved worksheet, and when you expand or collapse rows and columns. If you move a referential formula such as =E5*1.05, its cell references are updated to reflect the new location.

Adjust Data

If the data in the Operating Budget has been copied from the Forecast, another way to add a 5% increase is to use the Adjust feature. From the Planning ribbon, select the  Adjust button Adjust button from Planning ribbon, select whether you want to increase or decrease by a fixed value or a percentage, enter the amount as a whole number, e.g. 5 for 5%, and select the Adjust Data button. 

Adjust Data dialog box

The result of the adjustment is entered in the cell(s) and shown in edit mode. To save the changes in CalPlanning, select the Submit Data button.

Preserve Formula on POV Change

In CalPlan, the Update Data in Form allows you to change POV. If you have created a formula within the form for a specific DeptID, Account, Fund, and Chart1 and want that formula to persist when you change the DeptID (or any other dimension in the POV), check the Preserve Formula on POV Change box in the Member Options panel of the Options dialog box.

Preserve formula on POV change

Remember, options you set are specific to a sheet unless you selected Save as Default Options or Apply to All Sheets when you saved the settings in the Options dialog box.

Save button drop-down list

Form Data May Change After Actuals are Loaded

Each month following the close, Actual data from BFS is loaded into the Working version. If there are actuals for a combination of Account, DeptID, Fund, and Chart1 that did not previously exist in the plan, a new row will be added to the form when you Refresh.

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