May 18, 2018
May 2018 CalPlanning Release Notes
Release Notes:
- FY18 Forecast and FY19 Operating Budget Planner Submission and Q3 Submission Versions Available
- The FY18 Forecast and FY19 Operating Budget Planner Submission versions were created by taking snapshots of the FY18 Forecast and FY19 Operating Budget Working versions as of 4/13/18 at 7:00PM
- The FY18 Forecast and FY19 Operating Budget Q3 Submission versions were created by taking snapshots of the FY18 Forecast and FY19 Operating Budget Working versions as of 5/15/18 at 7:00PM
- Data from the Q3 Submission versions should be used as a point-in-time reference for future analysis
- FY18 Forecast is Editable
- CalPlan FY18 Forecast Working is now editable. Planners should continue to make changes to the FY18 forecast where plans change materially or vary materially due to seasonality with the actualized forecast
- Changes to FY18 Forecast Working Ending Balance will not impact FY19 Operating Budget Working Beginning Balance
- FY19 Operating Budget is No Longer Editable
- As of 4/13/18 at 7:00PM, the FY19 Operating Budget Working version is no longer available for edits by campus users. Campus users will be able to edit FY19 Forecast when it becomes available in August
- Changes to the FY19 Operating Budget Working versions based on senior leadership decisions will be managed by the FP&A team
- FY19 Operating Budget Working Beginning Balance is locked to equal FY18 Forecast Q3 Submission Ending Balance
- HCP Unavailable
- HCP will remain unavailable for any detailed edits. You can use HCPRptg reports to view compensation expense at the employee level