August 2019 Release Notes

August 6, 2019

August 2019 CalPlanning Release Notes

The CalPlanning FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget are now available for planning. We used data from CalPlanning FY20 Operating Budget Final as sources for FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget. 

Only CalPlan is currently available for updates. 

HCP will remain unavailable for the time being. We have been working to convert the data to sync with UCPath (job code, employee ID and account code). When this is done, we will open HCP for the FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget. We expect this will happen in late September or early October. We’ll reach out to you with more information as soon as we can.

Overview of FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget

1 Data Sources

We copied the FY20 Operating Budget Final version to both the FY20 Forecast Initial version and FY21 Operating Budget:

  • FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget Initial are available for reporting

  • FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget Working are available for editing (just CalPlan) and reporting

2 Differences between FY20 Operating Budget Final, FY20 Forecast Working, and FY21 Operating Budget Working

The FY20 Operating Budget Final, FY20 Forecast Working, and FY21 Operating Budget Working are nearly identical except for these differences:

  • The "Adjustment: Total Non Compensation - Plan" has been cleared in FY20 Forecast Working, and FY21 Operating Budget Initial and Working. These are the Budget Improvement Targets that leadership gave to some units that were not meeting their goal after the Q3 submission and leadership budget decisions.

  • FY20 Forecast Working Beginning Balance currently is the same as FY20 Operating Budget Working (it will be replaced with beginning balances from Actuals in September). 
    FY21 Operating Budget Working Beginning Balance is equal to FY20 Forecast Working Version Ending Balance and will be updated as changes are made to the Forecast.

3 Coming in late September or early October

Here is what we have planned for late September or early October:

  • CalPlan 

    • FY20 Actual Beginning Balance, July, and August loaded and Forecast Actualized

    • Central transfer accounts updated with a combination of Actuals data and planned data from the Campus Commitment Database

  • HCP

    • Convert job code, EID and account code with UCPath versions

    • Update CBR calculation to work with the new salary accounts that were added since UCPath was implemented (A50200 and A51200)Copy FY20 to FY21

    • Copy FY20 to FY21
    • Increase FY21 monthly pay rates by 3%
    • Update fee remission rates for FY20 and FY21

4 Coming later

We are waiting for the Federal government to approve the final FY20 CBR rates. We will update HCP with the new rates after the Federal government approves the rates.