January 25, 2020
Mid January 2020 CalPlanning Release Notes
The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2019 December Actuals. The FY2019-20 Forecast Working version has been updated with December Actuals. As a reminder, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis.
Central Transfers
FY20 and FY21 Central Transfers and Commitments have updated in CalPlanning from a combination of Actuals data, permanent budget, and planned data from the Campus Commitment Database.
General allocation account 71110 was updated to Actual values for FY2019-20 with the actualizing of plan values. (Planned values in this account code reflect Form A data from last year’s budget planning yet to occur.) The FY2020-21 general allocation account 71110 has been seeded with December permanent budget data.
Account 72210 Regents Endowment/FFE FY2019-20 Actual Payout has been copied to the FY2020-21 Operating Budget. Information from University Development and Donor Relations (UDAR) about fund performance is available in the FY2020-21 Operating Budget Guidelines for potential planner adjustments.
Accounts in the Campus Support 712xx and 714xx series have been updated with the most recent commitments data available by the Financial Planning & Analysis team for open periods for both planning years. (Inclusion in the commitment database does not guarantee future funding. All amounts are subject to change.) Data in these accounts for closed periods reflects actual transacted commitments.
Accounts in the 713xx series have been updated for closed periods with Actuals for the FY20 Forecast Working version. Accounts in the 71xxx series will be updated again in the spring with Form A data provided by the DFLs for both planning years.
Dept ID Inactivation
As part of the January 2 release, we applied changes for DeptIDs that are in the process of being inactivated. Actuals remain in the original entity but the Forecast and Operating Budget amounts have been moved to the mapped entity.
For the list of already inactive DeptIDs as well as DeptIDs planned for inactivation, go to the DeptID planned for inactivation webpage and click on the "DeptID status in CalPlan list" link.