Getting Started

Human Capital Planning (HCP) Application

HCP has a set of forms for data entry where planners enter data for:

  • Existing employees and To Be Hired Employees
  • Employees in pooled positions such as Graduate Student Instructor (GSI), Adjunct Faculty, etc.
  • Dept ID Compensation Adjustments

Interfaces: Web and Smart View

There are two distinct interfaces that planners can use to enter data into HCP:

  1. Web – Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System, Fusion Edition
  2. Excel – Smart View Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition

This course introduces planners to the web interface. Upon completion of this course, with pre-requisite knowledge of the various forms and rules for data entry, the Smart View for Planning course introduces the Excel Smart View interface.

Accessing HCP Forms - Web

Log On for Training

The instructions in the first exercise, at the end of this chapter, will guide you to log in to the Training environment. You can use your CalNet ID and Passphrase for the User Name and Password to log in.

Log On After Training

When you complete this training and want to use HCP in Production, go to and select the Log into Cal Planning link

  1. Log on to CalPlanning using your CalNet ID and Passphrase
  2. From the menu, select Navigate \ Applications \ Planning \ HCP

Menu selections to open HPC

Set Default Application Preference

If you would like to have HCP display whenever you log on to CalPlanning:

1. From the menu, select File \ Preferences

2. With General selected in the left panel, open the drop-down list for Content and select Application

Preferences dialog box with Application selected for Content

3. Open the drop-down list for Application and select CalPlan \ Planning \ HCP

Preferences dialog box with HPC selected for Application

4. Do not select OK. Continue on to the next section to set your entity preference. 

Set Entity Preference

5. Select the Planning button on the left panel

6. Select the User Variable Options tab at the top of the Preferences dialog box


Be sure to work with L7 DeptID or L6 so as not to overburden the system. If you attempt to fetch data for a Department (L4) or a Division (L3), it will slow the application significantly for you and for others. 

7. Select OK to save your preferences

HCP Dimension Members

In addition to all of the dimensions found in CalPlan, HCP has two more dimensions:

  • Employee ID
  • Job Code

hands on keyboard Practice

Complete Exercise 1 to practice before continuing.