Manage Existing Employees

Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes

Task Overview

There are 5 tabs on the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task. Planners enter data into the Monthly Pay Rate and Distributions tabs. HCP calculates the values in the remaining tabs. All tabs list employees in the rows and Forecast for the current year as well as the Operating Budget for the next year in the columns.

Manage Existing Employees task

The MyOrg hyperlink above the tabs allows you to change the entity for the form.

What do the tabs do? Which tabs can you edit?

Monthly Pay Rate

Monthly pay rate by employee and job code by DeptID by month. [Editable]


DIstribution percentage by employee and job code by DeptID, Fund, and Chart1 by month. [Editable]

Salary Expense

Per employee, job code and Dept ID, this is the product of monthly pay rate and distribution. If the employee has multiple distributions in a Dept ID, this is the sum of the product of all distributions. [Read-only]


Account 53070 is the product of salary expense and the Composite Benefit Rate associated with the benefit Account on the Distributions tab. Composite Benefit Rates are calculated and approved annually. The rates for 53709 UCRP Supplemental Assessment and 57310 General & Employee Liability (GAEL) are also established annually. CalPlanning Release Notes include the rates that are programmed into HCP. [Read-only]

Total Comp

Per employee and Dept ID, this is the sum of salary expense and benefits. [Read-only]

Which cells can you edit?

Background cell color is used to indicate whether a cell can be edited and the reason why a cell may not be edited:

  • White cells may be edited
  • Gray cells may not be edited because the period is closed or because the planner does not have write access
  • Green cells are for future periods that are calculated by HCP

hands on keyboard Practice

Complete Exercise 2 to practice before continuing.