Task Overview
To you in planning compensation expenses, CalPlanning has taken an extract of compensation data from UCPath Human Capital Management for all employees that had a distribution in January 2025, except for those in pooled positions and those with an expiration date prior to FY25.
The Review HCM Data to Add to Plan task in HCP allows you to compare the actual compensation paid to employees in your entity to what you have planned for the remainder of this year and for next year’s Operating Budget. In cases where there are material variances, you may use this HCP task to copy the HCM data to your plan.
Review HCM Data to Add to Plan Task
Like the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task, the Review HCM Data to Add to Plan has tabs for monthly pay rate and for distributions. This task presents 3 scenarios for each employee shown:
- Plan is the amount currently entered in the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task.
- HCM is the amount of the distribution for the employee in Jan 2025.
- FCST vs HCM is the difference between Plan and HCM. Differences are highlighted in orange. When there is no difference, the background is gray.
- In Example 1, the employee earned $150 more with pay increase for next year included when the data was copied than the amount in our plan. If the variance amount is material, then add this data to the plan.
- In Example 2, we have plan data for the employee but no actuals. In this case, you can delete plan data for the months until actuals are expected, or all months if the employee has left.
- In Example 3, we have actuals data for the employee, but the individual is not included in the plan. In this case, you should add the employee to the plan.
The example above shows the HCM Monthly Pay Rate. The second tab, HCM Distributions, also shows the three scenarios for Plan, HCM, and FCST vs HCM in the final column before the columns with data.
When to Copy Data
Here are some examples of when you would review and copy monthly pay rate and distribution data:
- Use the HCM Monthly Pay Rate tab to review employees on your roster. The HCM copy includes employees that had a distribution in January 2025. You may have employees that joined your organization recently that are not on your roster in HCP. These people will have dollars in HCM but not in plan. We recommend that you copy Monthly Pay Rate for these employees for Forecast and Operating Budget as well as any employees for which the highlighted variance is a material amount. When you copy the data for an employee who has an HCM distribution but no plan data, HCP creates an intersection to add that employee to the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task.
- Use the HCM Distributions tab to review the percentage of time employees are working and the chartstring (Dept ID, Fund and Chart 1) from which their pay is planned. We recommend that you copy the distribution for an employee who has an HCM distribution but no plan, an employee with plan data but no HCM distribution, or an employee where there is a material variance in planned and actual distributions.
- Remember, an employee must have a monthly pay rate in a Dept ID and one or more distributions from the same Dept ID for HCP to calculate salary expense.
We’ve looked at some examples of when you would want to copy data for an employee. However, there are some cases where you would not want to copy an employee’s data. These would include adjustments you have already made such as:
- Terminations
- Promotions with a significant pay increase
- Split appointments
Make a Backup Before Copying Data
As a best practice, before you do any copying, we recommend that you export your existing data to Excel to create a record in case of questions or an accidental copy/overwrite.
Go to the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task and export the data from the Monthly Pay Rate and Distributions tabs.
From the Monthly Pay Rate tab, go to the menu and select Tools \ Export as Spreadsheet. Then go to the Distributions tab and do the same thing. The files will be in your Downloads folder. You can rename them and move them to another location.
When you double-click on the file to open it, the system presents a warning message about the file format. It is safe to open the file, so select Yes.
Copy HCM Data to HCP
This task offers a variety of choices for the data to be copied. You can copy:
- Employees: one at a time or all employees in a Dept ID at once
- Tabs: Monthly Pay Rate, Distributions, or Monthly Pay Rate and Distributions
- Scenarios: Forecast, Operating Budget, or Forecast and Operating Budget
Copy Monthly Pay Rate for One Employee
1. To copy the Monthly Pay Rate for one employee, go to the HCM Monthly Pay Rate tab and right-click on HCM or Plan in the Scenario column for the employee you want to copy.
2. Select the part of the plan you want to copy to: Forecast, OpBudget, or Forecast and OpBudget.
3. Review the Employee ID, Job Code and Dept ID. If all entries are what you want to copy, select Launch.
4. Select OK to acknowledge the successful copy.
With the HCM data copied to the plan, the employee disappears from the HCM Monthly Pay Rate tab because there is no longer a variance.
Copy Distributions for One Employee
1. To copy a distribution for one employee, go to the HCM Distributions tab and right-click on HCM or Plan in the Scenario column for the employee and distribution you want to copy.
2. Select the part of the plan you want to copy to: Forecast, OpBudget or Forecast and OpBudget.
3. Review the data in the Runtime Prompts dialog box. If all entries are what you want to copy, select Launch.
4. Select OK to acknowledge the successful copy.
With the HCM data copied to the plan, the employee disappears from the HCM Distributions tab because there is no longer a variance.
Copy Monthly Pay Rate and Distributions for All Employees in a Dept ID
You can copy the monthly pay rate and distributions for all employees in a Dept ID in a single process. This can be a real time saver, but there are some caveats to be aware of before you begin:
- Any adjustments you have made for an employee such as a termination or promotion with a significant pay increase will be overwritten.
- All data for To Be Hired employees will be cleared. We recommend that you export your data to Excel before copying so you’ll have a record of the To Be Hired data so you can re-enter it.
- Only the employees in the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task are copied. Pooled Positions and Dept ID Adjustments are not copied.
- If an employee has moved to another DeptID within your entity, you can use the Transfer Employee OUT functionality on the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task to move the employee to the new DeptID.
To copy the monthly pay rate for all employees in a Dept ID:
1. From the HCM Monthly Pay and Dist tab, right-click on the Dept ID.
2. Select whether you would like to copy to the Forecast, OpBudget, or both.
3. The system warns you that your data will be overwritten and asks you to confirm that you want to do this.
4. Note the DeptID to be sure it is the one you intend to copy. If not, you can change in the dialog box or Cancel. If it is the DeptID you want to copy, select Launch to start the copy.
5. If there are many people in the DeptID, the copy may take a while. The blue spinning wheel indicates that the system is processing your request.
6. When the copy is complete, the orange highlighting showing variance changes to gray to indicate that the data has been copied and there is no longer a variance. You’ll be able to see all of the updated data in the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task.
What if an employee isn’t showing in the Review data to add to Plan task?
The likely reason is that the plan data for the employee matches what is in HCM so there is no variance. To save on visual clutter, employees with no variance are not included in this task. To see if this is the case, check the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task.
If you don’t find the employees on the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task, the employee isn’t associated with the DeptID you are looking at. To find the DeptID for an employee, you can go to the Monthly Pay Rate Lookup task. Select the employee from the drop-down list and select the Go arrow to fetch the data. HCP will present the employee and DeptID(s) in which there is plan data.
Review HCM Data to Add to Plan (9 minutes)
Next Topic: Compensation Drill Through