Exercise 1

Exercise 1: Connect to Smart View, Open a Form

  1. If you are away from campus, launch GlobalProtect and select Connect. You must be connected with GlobalProtect in order to run Smart View from your desktop when you are away from campus.
  2. If you have Smart View installed on your desktop, skip ahead to #7.
  3. If you do not have Smart View installed on your desktop, go to your browser and navigate to https://citrix.berkeley.edu.
  4. Enter your CalNet ID and passphrase.
  5. Select the Smart View button. If the Smart View button isn’t on the desktop, click the + button on the left side of the window and select Smart View from the list of Apps.
  6. Double-click the file with the .ica extension at the bottom of your screen. This will launch Smart View.
  7. Select Smart View from the Excel menu to display the Smart View ribbon.

Use the Training Environment while you are learning

While you are learning, please take this extra step so that you can work in the Training environment and not impact production data. When you are ready to work in production, you can change the URL to the one shown for Production.

8. Select the Options button from the Smart View ribbon.

9. Select Advanced from the left panel.

10. Enter the following text in the box for Shared Connections URL: https://calpln-rptportal-training.berkeley.edu/workspace/SmartViewProviders

11. Select OK.

 Continue the exercise

12. Select the Panel button from the Smart View ribbon.

13. Select Shared Connections from the Panel on the right.

Shared Connections highlighted on Smart View Panel

14. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase in the User Name and Password text boxes and select Connect.

15. Select Oracle® Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition from the Select Server drop-down list.

Hyperion Planning

16. Select the + to expand calpln-rptportal.berkeley.edu

Panel, Shared Connections, Smart View for Planning

17. Double-click on CalPlan to connect to the application

18. Right-click on CalPlan and select User Preferences from the quick menu to open the Preferences dialog box

Shared Connections with CalPlan selected and User Preferences highlighted

19. Select User Variables in the left panel and enter the entity you want to use as a default in the text box for Entity / MyOrg

User Variable Options in Preferences dialog box

20. Select OK to complete the dialog box.

21. Expand the tree so that CalPlan Budget Process Task List is visible below Task Lists

Smart View for Planning Budget Process Task List with Multiyear Budget Template highlighted

22. Double-click on CalPlan Budget Process Task List.

23. Expand the tree as shown below so you can see the forms in 1.3 Enter Data

Smart View CalPlan task list with Edit Data section highlighted

24. Double-click on 1.3.3 Account Intersection Form (AIF) to open the Account Intersection form.

25. You will be using this form for Exercise 3 so keep it open. You can save the file in Excel if you like.

Next Topic: Smart View and Planning Ribbons