Exercise 5

Exercise 5: Split Appointments

Your unit will receive a grant starting in February that will pay 50% of the salary expense for one of your employees. In this exercise, you will create a new distribution for the employee using the new Fund and adjust the percentages of the two distributions for the employee to correctly allocate the expense.


1. On the Manage Existing Employees and Job Codes task, go to the Distributions tab and find an employee with one earnings distribution with the amount of 1.

2. Right-click on the Employee Name and ID and select Manage Employee \ Add Employee Distributions.

Add Employee Distributions quick menu

3. In the Add Empl Distributions dialog box:

  • Change the Fund to another Fund
  • Enter 0.5 for the distribution amount
  • Enter Feb for the Start Period

4. Review entries and select Launch.

5. Select OK to acknowledge the addition of the Distribution for the employee.

6. Return to the original Distribution for the employee and modify the distribution value to 0.5 starting in February for the Forecast and for all months of the Operating Budget.

7. Select Save.

8. If the split appointment was for the employee to work 50% in your entity and 50% in another entity, what steps would you take to get the right information in HCP?

Next Topic: Pooled Positions