Edit Data in CalPlan and HCP Forms

There are a variety of ways to enter and update data in CalPlan and HCP forms; you can:

Enter value in cell

  1. Click in the cell.
  2. Type the value you want.
  3. Click the Save icon to save your changes to CalPlan or HCP.

Copy and paste

You can copy a range of cells from Excel, CalPlan, or HCP and paste them into a CalPlan or HCP form.

  1. Select data to copy
  2. Right-click and select Edit \ Copy. 
  3. In CalPlan or HCP, click on the first cell where you want to paste the data.
  4. Right-click and select Edit \ Paste.
  5. Press [Ctrl] and [V] together to paste into the Clipboard helper dialog box.
  6. Click the Save icon to save your changes to CalPlan or HCP.

Enter formula in cell

Adjust by Value or Percentage

  1. Select cell(s) to update
  2. Right-click and select Adjust \ Adjust Data
  3. Complete the dialog box as desired to adjust by a value or a percentage, increase or decrease. For a percentage change, enter the whole number, e.g. 5 for a 5% change.
  4. Click the Adjust Data button.
