Account and Entity Intersection Forms

Account and Entity Intersection Forms

These forms display data at the lowest level of detail for all of the required dimensions (Account, Entity, Fund, and Chart1). This layout makes it easy to see and edit all of the combinations of DeptID, Fund and Chart1 for a specific account. To view summary information, you'll need to use a different form or run a report.

Form Layout

  • Tabs: There are tabs at the top of the form for each of the Account types:
    • Revenue
    • Operating Transfers
    • Comp Expense
    • Non-Comp Expense
    • Changes in Fund Balance
  • Entity Hyperlink: Below the tabs, MyOrg has a hyperlink that you can click to change the entity presented in the form. You can use the intersection forms to view and edit a single DeptID or you can view and edit multiple DeptIDs by selecting a higher level
  • Rows: The Intersection Forms present one row for the lowest level of detail for each unique intersection of Account, Fund, Chart1, and DeptID for the entity you specified in Preferences. The difference between the two forms is the order of the dimensions; the Account Intersection Form begins with Account and the Entity Intersection Form begins with DeptID.
  • Columns: Plan data is presented with the Forecast by month and YearTotal followed by the Operating Budget by month and YearTotal.

Account Intersection Form

Enter Data

  • Data in the Comp Expense tab is copied from HCP so it is not available for editing in CalPlan
  • For all other tabs, you can edit cells with a white background using the techniques described in the previous chapter


The quick menu that is presented when you right-click shows a Sort command. Selecting this command will cause CalPlan to freeze, so do not select it. It is a vendor (Oracle) issue, not a CalPlanning issue, so we don't have control over the issue resolution.

Add an Intersection

Occasionally you will need to add an intersection for a unique combination of Account, Fund, Chart1, and DeptID. For example, you may need to tag an expense with the recently created C1 - COVD19 Chart1. To add an intersection:

1. Go to the Non-Comp Expense tab and find an intersection that has most of the members you want for your new intersection and right-click. Select Add Intersection by Non-Comp Expense.

Add Intersection on menu

2. The Add Intersection dialog box presents the intersection that you selected

Add Intersection prompts

3. Modify the member of Fund, Account, Chart1 or Entity as needed

4. Click Launch

5. Click OK to acknowledge the confirmation that the intersection was added successfully

6. The new intersection displays in the form


Complete Exercise 2 to practice before continuing.