CalPlan Reports

CalPlan Reports

The CalPlanning web interface has two folders with templates that you can use to generate reports with data from CalPlan: CalPlan and CalRptg. The most important difference between them is the timing of data updates. When you want to report on data that you have just entered in CalPlan, use the CalPlan report templates.

CalPlan CalRptg
Plan data refreshed Immediately upon entry Every 3 hours beginning at 9AM
Actual data refreshed Monthly Nightly
Report ID begins with R CR

Run a CalPlan Report

1. From the CalPlanning site, select the Log in to CalPlanning link. 

2. Select the Explore button

Explore button

3. Select the CalPlanning folder in the left panel to display the report template folders

CalPlanning report folders

5. Double-click the CalPlan folder in the right panel to display the CalPlan report templates

CalPlanning folder expanded with CalPlan folder highlighted

6. Double-click a report template and complete the report just as you do with CalRptg reports


Complete Exercise 7 to practice before continuing.

End of Self-Study

This concludes the self-study portion of Navigating CalPlan. Please be sure to join the scheduled group session to review the self-study and work on a case study.