Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Enter Data and Add an Intersection

You should have the Account Intersection Form (AIF) open from Exercise 1.


1. Go to the AIF - Non-Comp Expense tab.

2. Make up plan amounts for the first 3 months of next year’s operating budget for account 550XX – General Supplies – Plan for any Dept ID, Fund and Chart 1 you want and type those amounts into the cells.

3. Select the Save button from the ribbon.

CalPlan menu with Save button highlighted

4. Open a new sheet in Excel and enter data for three months of expenses for account 55XXX – Equipment. You can make up any numbers you want.

5. Select the three cells and copy to the clipboard using whichever method you prefer:

  • Keyboard: [Ctrl + C] or
  • Toolbar button: Copy button
  • Quick menu: right-click and select Edit \ Copy

6. Navigate to the Account Intersection Form and click on the first cell where you want to paste in the plan data for 555XXX – Equipment. You can use any DeptID, Fund, and Chart 1 combination that is available.

7. Paste the data.

  • If you are using Chrome, press [Ctrl + V] to open the Clipboard Helper
  • Press [Ctrl + V] again to paste the data into the Clipboard Helper
  • Select the Paste button

8. Select the Save button to save your changes.

9. Occasionally you will need to add an intersection for a unique combination of Account, Fund, Chart1, and DeptID. In this example, you’ll create an intersection for account 550XX using the C1 – COVD19 member for Chart 1.

Find an intersection for account 550XX that does not have C1 – COVD19 for Chart1.  Right-click and select Add Intersection . . .

Add Intersection on menu

10. Click the Member Selection button for Chart1. Note, your Fund and Entity may be different from this example.

Add Intersection Runtime Prompts

11. Type cov in the text box and press [Enter] (or select the Filtered Search magnifying glass button.

Chart1 member selection dialog box with cov entered in search text box

12. Select C1 – COVD19 – To Track costs of Coronavirus and select the blue > Add button in between the panes to move it to the selection pane.

13. Select OK in the bottom right corner to accept the selection. Note: you may have to scroll down to see the OK button.

14. Select the Launch button in the lower right corner

15. Select OK to acknowledge the confirmation that the intersection was added successfully

Next Topic: Update Data in Form