CalPlan Forms

CalPlan Forms

Account Intersection

Presents one row for each unique combination of Account, Fund, Chart1, and DeptID for all DeptIDs rolling up to the Entity selected in Preferences. Ready for data entry.

Entity Intersection

Presents one row for each unique combination of DeptID, Fund, Chart1, and Account for all DeptIDs rolling up to the Entity selected in Preferences. Ready for data entry.

Update Data in Form

After selecting Entity, Fund, and Chart1 in the POV, presents data ordered by Account. You may select a summary level Entity (or Fund or Chart1) to see the aggregation and then change the POV to a DeptID so you can enter data.

Drill Through - Account Details

With summary level members selected in the POV, this form allows you to select an account and drill in to see the detail level members of the Entity, Fund, and Chart1 intersections. In this form, you can enter plan data at a summary level for period (quarter or YearTotal) and the system will spread the data to each month.

Drill Through - Account Summary

The Drill Through – Account Summary form allows you to start from a high-level view of your organization, e.g. Division (L3) or Department (L4). From there, you can drill down to view and edit the details of your budget.

When you drill down on a high-level account, CalPlan presents the detailed data for the planning accounts, Dept IDs, fund buckets, and Chart1s in a format similar to the Account Intersection form.

What sets this form apart from the Account Intersection form is the ability to enter plan data at a summary level for a quarter or the YearTotal instead of entering data for each month. CalPlan spreads the data to each month. 

Adjust Internal Operating Transfers Mgmt

Use this form to enter intra-department or intra-division operating transfers for accounts in the 75### and 74### range. Set your entity preference to a department or a division. Form displays the department or division and all of the Dept IDs so you can easily ensure that transfers net to zero.

Actualized Forecast

Displays the prior month forecast and actuals and calculates the variance with conditional formatting to highlight favorable and unfavorable variances in excess of $1,000. Use this form to update your forecast in response to expected revenue and expenses that didn't materialize or came in at a materially different amount.

Next Topic: Account and Entity Intersection Forms