Running a Report

Accessing CalPlanning

1. If you are not on campus, you will need to connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN) called GlobalProtect prior to launching CalPlanning.

2. Windows and Mac users can access CalPlanning by clicking the Log into CalPlanning link on the CalPlanning website at

Note: While you are completing this course, you will log in to a training environment. The instructions for logging in to the training environment are in Exercise 2, the first exercise in which you work with the CalPlanning reports. To ensure optimal performance for experienced CalPlanning users who may be working on a deadline, we ask that you do not log in to the production environment while you are learning.

3. At the Oracle Enterprise Management System Workspace, Fusion Edition window, you can log in by using your CalNet ID and Passphrase for User Name and Password.

Navigating to CalRptg Template Repository

1. Once you are logged in, click the Explore button to access the repository of report templates.

Explore button

2. The folders for CalPlanning reports display. Double-click CalRptg to open that folder.

CalPlanning report folders

3. The folder opens to display all of the available report templates with the name and description for each report.

Menu showing reports templates in the CalRptg folder

All of the CalRptg report names begin with CR. The first digit in the report # indicates the type of report:


2 = DeptID (L7) Level

3 = Entity Level

4 = Budget

5 = Transfers and Fund

6 = Trend

7 = Chartfield 1

9 = Recharge

The description begins with the name of the dimension for the rows of the report. [Drillable] indicates that you can drill down into more details in the HTML version of the report.

Generate a Report

1. With the list of report templates displayed, double-click on the report you want to generate. This will open the POV dialog box where you will set the Point of View, or members for each of the dimensions, to define the data that will be retrieved in the report.

Preview User POV dialog box

2. For each dimension, you can type the member in the text box or you can click the Select . . . command button to open a dialog box where you can see the members and select the one you want.

3. In the dialog box, click the Expand Row button (triangle) as needed to expand the tree until you find the member you want. Click the radio button to select the member and then click OK to complete your selection. Note: you can only select one member for each dimension.

Entity member selection dialog box with 1_COENG selected

4. Once you have selected members for each dimension, select OK to generate the report. If you do not select a member for a dimension, CalPlanning will retrieve data for the entire dimension. You may choose to do that for Program_Code, Chart1 and Chart2.

Preview User POV  with YearTotal, FY24, Forecast, Working, and 1_COENG selected

5. The report is generated with the members you selected for each dimension in the Preview Point of View.

Drilling Down into Report Data

The report generates in HTML format. Most of the report descriptions begin with the word [Drillable], which indicates that you can drill down into the data for more details. Click the triangle to drill down one level. There is no functionality to expand to all levels, so you may need to click the triangle several times if the data has many levels.

Click the  to collapse a level that has been expanded.

SRECNA report CR103

Cal Reporting Favorites

Once you have run a report you can add it to your Favorites on the CalPlanning menu. Selecting the report from the Favorites menu is faster than locating it in the list of report templates. Note that saving a report template in Favorites does not save the members you entered in the POV. Those must be set each time you run the report.

1. From the menu, Select Favorites / Add to Favorites

Favorites menu

2. The report you selected is added to the Favorites menu. The next time you want to run the report, you can select it from the Favorites menu.

Example of favorite on menu

hands on keyboard Practice

Complete Exercise 2 to practice before continuing.