Exercise 3

Exercise 3: Run a Report on Your Own

In this exercise, you will run a CR120 – SRECNA Trend report


1. Run a CR120 SRECNA Trend report to compare your current year’s Forecast, YearTotal to your Actuals for this year and last year. Use your own Org level for the Entity Dimension.

2. After looking at the current year forecast compared to the last 3 years, you decide to look at next year’s operating budget.

  • Select the Scenario button in the Editable POV toolbar
  • Select Operating Budget
  • Select Year in the Editable POV toolbar and change to FY23

3. If you wanted to change both Scenario and Year at the same time, you could open the Preview User Point of View dialog box. From the menu, select View / Preview User Point of View.

4. Save the CR120 SRECNA Trend report to your Favorites by selecting Favorites / Add to Favorites from the menu.

5. Close the CR120 SRECNA Trend report

CR120 – SRECNA Trend Job Aid

The CR120 report is a trending report meaning it provides historical (i.e. prior fiscal years) Actuals data.  The multi-year actuals can be compared against any scenario/version that is chosen.  The report is in the standard SRECNA format.

Questions answered with the CR120

Depending on the POV for the version, scenario, year and time period selected, this report can answer:

  • What area(s) of my revenue have been trending up or down over the last 3 or 4 years?
  • What area(s) of my expenses have been trending up or down over the last 3 or 4 years?
  • Are there spikes or seasonality in the trends that are helpful in understanding how the finances work in my unit?
  • Does my budget, forecast or current-year actuals reflect a similar trend compared to the last 3 years?  Are there any major swings or deviations from the trends?

When to use the CR120 report

The CR120 can be run at any point in the fiscal year.  In particular for the budget process, it can be leveraged at the beginning to review financial results compared to trends; or at the end of the process to confirm the final forecast or budget aligns with past results – and any large swings or deviations align with future strategy and plans 

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