Answer Sheet for Exercise 1: Identifying Your Point of View (POV)
1. You want to run a CalRptg report to review your current year Forecast that reflects all of the reforecasting you have done to date. Which Dimension Members would you select to return this data?
Period: YearTotal
Year: FY25
Time Series: Periodic or YearToDate
Scenario: Forecast
Version: Working
Entity: Your entity
2. Select the scenario and version
a. Actual revenue and expenses
Scenario: Actual; Version: Final
b. Most current version of the plan for next year
Scenario: Operating Budget; Version: Working
c. Budget that was committed at the beginning of the year
Scenario: Forecast; Version: Initial or Scenario: Operating Budget; Version: Final
3. Select the year, period, and time series needed to derive each report.
a. Budget for all of next year
Year: FY26; Period: YearTotal; TIme Series: Periodic or YearToDate
b. Second quarter of this year
Year: FY25; Period: Q2; Time Series: Periodic
c. This year through December
Year: FY25; Period: Q2 or December; Time Series: YearToDate
Next Topic: Chart 1