Exercise 2: Logging into CalPlanning Workspace and Accessing the CalRptg Report Repository
In this exercise, you will:
- Sign into the CalPlanning Workspace in the Training Environment and access the CalRptg report repository
- Run a CR103 – SRECNA Med report and select members from the Preview User Point of View dialog box
- Drill down on Account member rows in the report
- Add the report to your Favorites
1. If you are not on campus, please connect to our Virtual Private Network, Global Protect.
2. In your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, or Edge), go to this URL: https://calpln-rptportal-training.berkeley.edu/workspace/index.jsp
We ask that you use the Training environment while you are learning so that you won’t have to worry about impacting our production server or data.
The link from the CalPlanning website takes you to our production server and data, which you will access once you complete this training.
3. If you are using Chrome or Firefox, you may see a warning that pop-ups have been blocked. Select the appropriate option to allow pop-ups.
4. Enter your CalNet ID and Passphrase in the User Name and Password boxes and select Log On.
5. In this step, you will turn on the User Point of View Preview:
- Go to the menu and select File \ Preferences
- Select Financial Reporting in the left panel
- Select On in the for the User Point of View Preview selection and then select OK to save your selection
6. Select the Explore button from the toolbar to open the CalPlanning Report Repository
7. From the Folders pane on the left, select Root next to the yellow file folder, then select CalPlanning, and then select CalRptg
8. Double-click on CR-103 SRECNA Med in the right panel
9. Enter the following in the Preview User Point of View dialog box:
- YearTotal in the Period text box
- FY24 in the Year text box
- Click Select… next to Scenario
10. In the Member Selection dialog box, select Scenario to expand the tree and select Forecast. Then select OK to complete the selection.
11. Enter the following in the Preview User Point of View dialog box:
- Working in the Version text box
- Type your Division ID in the Entity text box or click Select… to open the Members tab and drill down through the hierarchy to find your division and select OK to close the Members tab
- Select OK to close the Preview User POV dialog box
12. In the Expenses section of the report, click the triangle next to Supplies, Materials and Equipment to drill into the details of the report. Explore the report by clicking more right-facing triangle symbols to expand and down-facing triangle symbols to collapse
13. Make the CR103 - SRECNA Med report a Favorite for future use. From the menu, select Favorites \ Add to Favorites.
14. Select the X on the report tab to close the report.
15. Select the Favorites menu to confirm that CR103 – SRECNA Med has been added.
CR103: SRECNA Med Job Aid
CR103 CalRptg - SRECNA Med (Statement of Revenue, Expenses and Change in Net Assets)
The Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets or SRECNA report is the standard financial report at UC Berkeley and includes traditional revenue and expense statement elements, along with operating transfer activity that indicates the movement of resources between units. The report displays data for the entity selected and can be expanded (drillable) at the account level, allowing users to see the detail accounts for revenue, expenses and fund balances. Those accounts are broken out by major Current fund buckets - expanded to Unrestricted and Restricted in the columns.
Questions answered with the CR103
Depending on the POV for the version, scenario, year and time period selected; this report can answer:
- Which fund type do I currently have balances? Are most of my monies restricted or unrestricted in nature?
- Is my unit running a surplus or deficit?
- What is driving my “miscellaneous” expenses? (Drill to the account level to view).
When would you use the CR103 report?
When you want to review a snapshot of your unit’s finances for one scenario/version across current funds. Since the year and time period can also be selected, this report is helpful at any point in the fiscal year.
Run the Actual Final version at mid-year (December/January) to review financial results and understand the current situation prior to beginning the budget process.
Next Topic: SRECNA