Exercise 7

Supporting Detail dialog box with Add Sibling button highlighted

Exercise 7

In this exercise, you will practice adding a comment, viewing cell history, and adding supporting details.

1. This exercise uses the Drill Through – Account Details form that was used in Exercise 5. If you don’t have that form open, open it now. Select an L4 Department for Entity, Current Funds, and C1 – Summary – Plan. Refresh the data.

2. Right-click on the account 550XX – General Supplies – Plan and select Acct Details by POV.

3. Expand the period for 2025-26 Operating Budget so that Apr, May and Jun are visible.

4. Right-click the value for June that you updated in the last exercise and select Change History from the quick menu.

Change History on context sensitive menu

5. Review the change history and then select the X in the upper-right corner to close the Change History window.

6. Right-click the cell for June and select Comments from the quick menu.

7. Select the green + button to add a comment.

Add a comment

8. Enter your comment and then select the Add button in the lower right.

Example of a comment

9. Review your comment and select the Close button in the lower right corner.

10. Now you’ll add supporting details to the entry for April. Right-click on the value for Apr and select Supporting Detail from the quick menu.

11. Replace the Untitled label with “Flyers” and enter an amount that is less than the total.

Supporting Detail dialog box with one line filled

12. Now you need to add a row to explain the remaining dollars. Hover your mouse over the first button next to the View menu item at the top of the window. Notice that it says “Add Child.” In this case, you want to add another row at the same level, so select the second button to add a sibling.

Supporting Detail dialog box with Add Sibling button highlighted

13. Enter “Internal Use” and an amount that makes sense for this cell in the Label and Apr columns.

Supporting Detail dialog box with two lines entered

14. Select the Save button and then select OK to acknowledge that the supporting detail information has been saved.

Next Topic: Data Update Schedule