Operating Transfers

Operating Transfers

Operating Transfers are movements of current funds, generally within the University, from one DeptID to another or within a DeptID from one Chart1 to another within the same fund and account. The first two digits of the account indicate the type of transfer. Accounts in the 72XXX range are used for external transfers to or from the University.

Planners may enter transfers within a department (75xxx) or a division (74xxx). For transfers to/from other divisions (73xxx), one planner enters the sending amount and another planner enters the receiving amount.

  • Campus Support 71###; Example: 71110 General Allocation
  • External Transfers 72###; Example: 72210 Regents Endowment/FFE payout
  • To/From Other Divisions 73###; Example: 73295 InterDiv - Other Xfer Btwn Divs
  • Inter-Divisional Support 74###; Example: 74150 Div - Salary Support
  • Internal Department Transfers 75###; Example: 75195 Dept - Other Internal Xfer

The Operating Transfers for Campus Support are entered by the Central Budgeting Office. Planners do not enter these transfers into the budget. The Transfers tab on any of these forms is an easy way to see the amount and timing of Campus Support:

  • Account Intersection
  • Entity Intersection
  • Update Data in Form

Adjust Internal Operating Transfers Mgmt Form Layout

Like the Update Data in Form, Adjust Internal Operating Transfers Mgmt has a POV at the top of the form. Transfers can be entered for one account, one Chart1 for one month at a time.

Adjust Internal Operating Transfers

Enter an Operating Transfer

1. Set your Entity Preference to your department if you are going to enter an Internal Department transfer. Set it to your division if you are going to enter Inter-Divisional Support.

  • Select Preferences in the left panel
  • Select the User Variable Options tab
  • Enter your entity
  • Select Save
  • Select My Task List in the left panel to display the forms
  • Select Adjust Internal Operating Transfers Mgmt Form

2. Select the Account from the drop-down list.

3. Select the Month.

4. Select the Chart1.

5. Select the Go button to refresh the data.

Internal Operating Transfers form with Go button highlighted

6. Enter the amount leaving a DeptID as a negative number. Repeat as needed if there are multiple DeptIDs.

7. Enter the amount coming to a DeptID as a postive number. Repeat as needed if there are multiple DeptIDs.

8. Scroll to the bottom of the list of accounts to see summary level entity. The value for this row must be zero. If it is not, go back and edit positive and negative entries as needed until the total nets to zero.

Planning for Transfers Beyond Your Entity

Planners manage transfers within the Department or Division, or coordinate with another planner to manage transfers across Divisions. For Transfers To/From Other Divisions (73xxx), communicate with the planner in the other division to ensure that your entries are in the same account, same month, and that they offset each other.

Job Aid

To learn more about Operating Transfers with examples, check out the Operating Transfers Guidelines job aid.

hands on keyboard Practice

Complete Exercise 4 to practice before continuing.