Update Data in Form

Update Data in Form

This form allows the user to set the POV for Entity, Fund and Chart1 so you can see data at a summary or detail level and edit data at the detail level.

Form Layout

Update Data in Form


At the top of the form, there are drop-down lists to select a member for the Entity, Fund, and Chart1 dimensions and a green arrow to refresh the selection.


Like the Account and Entity Intersection forms, account categories are organized in tabs.


Accounts in each category are listed in the rows in the order that they appear in the Chart of Accounts and in SCRECNA reports.


It may be necessary to use the scroll bar at the bottom of the window to see all of the columns, which include months and YearTotal for:

  • Actual data for the prior and current year
  • Final Operating Budget that was committed for the current year
  • Forecast for the current year
  • Operating Budget for the coming year

Update the POV to Display Desired Data

1. While you can display summary or detail level data in this form, you must display detail level in each of the dimensions in order to update the plan. When you click the arrow on a dimension in the POV, the Page Details dialog box opens. Detail level members display in black and summary level members in blue.
Update data in form member selection
2. After you have made your selections, select the Go button to refresh the data.
Update Data in Form with Go button highlighted


This form displays all accounts, even those with no data or entries of zero. You can filter the display to hide rows as desired.

  • There is a difference between rows with no data and rows with zeros; sometimes summary rows can have data in the details but net to zero
  • Use the Filter menu to hide and show rows
  • Be sure to remove filters for no data and zeros before attempting to add an intersection

To filter the data, right-click on an account and select Filter from the quick menu and select which rows you want to hide. If you have hidden rows, you can right-click on an account, select Filter from the quick menu and select the rows you want to show.


Although there is a Sort option on the quick menu, it does not work; selecting Sort causes the form to freeze. This is a vendor (Oracle) issue, not a CalPlanning issue, so we don’t have control over the resolution.

hands on keyboard Practice

Complete Exercise 3 to practice before continuing.