Year, Period, and Time Series

Year Dimension

Members of the Year dimension are fiscal years. In this dimension, the fiscal year 2023-24 is also known as FY24.

Period Dimension

The Period dimension is organized in a hierarchy with months rolling up to quarters and quarters rolling up to YearTotal.

 Period dimension expanded

Time Series Dimension Overview

  • The Time Series dimension allows you to report on a specific period (Periodic $) such as a month or a quarter (periodic) or a cumulative period of time such as quarter to date (Quarter-to-Date $) or year to date (Year-to-Date $).
  • When the Period is YearTotal, the Time Series members Periodic and Year-to-Date will yield the same results.
  • Time Series is specific to CalPlanning reporting modules; this dimension does not exist in planning modules.

Time Series Dimension – Additional Members / Functionality

  • Inception to Date can be used to show values since inception, even if inception was prior to the year selected. This is a valuable feature when reporting on contracts and grants.
  • The Time Series dimension also has options to show report values in thousands or millions.

Time Series dimension

 Year, Period, and Time Series Examples

Data Needed Year Period Time Series
Entire year of FY24 FY24 YearTotal Periodic or YTD
FY24 so far this year FY24 YearTotal Periodic or YTD
Q1 FY24 FY24 Q1 Periodic or YTD
Q2 FY24 FY24 Q2 Periodic
Jul-Dec 2023 FY24 Q2 or YearTotal YTD
Jul FY24 FY24 Jul Periodic or YTD
Aug FY24 FY24 Aug Periodic
  • The selections of Periodic and YTD in Time Series yield the same results when the Period is YearTotal, Q1, or Jul
  • For quarters other than Q1 or months other than Jul, you must select Periodic in Time Series to get the specific time period