Exercise 7

Exercise 7: Ad Hoc Query with CalPlan

In this exercise, you will create a report from the CalPlan database to check your data entries for next year’s Operating Budget.

Note: If you do not have a Planner role in CalPlanning, you will not be able to access the CalPlan database. If you get an error message indicating that you do not have access to the CalPlan database, you may skip this exercise.


1. In the rows, show Account and Chart1. For Account, include all non-compensation expenses. For Chart1, include all Chart1s with data.

2. In the columns, show YearTotal followed by the months starting with July.

3. See if you can create this report on your own.

See detailed steps if needed.

End of Self-Study

This concludes the self-study portion of Smart View Ad Hoc for CalRptg. Please be sure to join the scheduled group session to review the self-study and work on a case study.