Exercise 2

Exercise 2: Multiple Ways to Select Members

This exercise assumes that you have saved the file you created in the first exercise, closed it, and disconnected from the server. If you haven’t, please do that now.


1. Use the Excel menu File / Open to open the file you created in the last exercise.

2. From the Smart View ribbon, select the Panel button.

3. In the Recently Used section, double-click Ad hoc Grid, EssbaseCluster-1 | CalRptg | CalRptg.

(This function does not work in Citrix. If you are using Citrix, select Shared Connections, select Essbase, expand the tree, and select CalRptg_CalRptg.)

Panel with Recently Used section highlighted

4. Enter your Password and click Connect.

5. Select Reuse sheet contents and POV.

Panel with Reuse sheet contents and POV highlighted 

Your sheet should look like this, except your Entity in E1 may be different.

6. Move your cursor to B2 (Period).

7. Select the Member Selection icon on the Essbase ribbon.

8. Expand YearTotal and then expand the quarters. Check the boxes for each month.

9. Select the include button blue arrow used to include selected items in member selection in the center of the dialog box to move the checked members to the Selection pane.

10. Since you don’t need the dimension name Period in your report, select that member and then select the exclude button blue arrow used to exclude selected items in member selection dialog box to remove it from the Selection pane.

11. To fill the members horizontally in the grid, select the Fill Horizontal icon and then select OK.

Member Selection dialog box with Fill Horizontal button highlighted

Your sheet should look like this:

Ad hoc with months across the columns

Now we are going to change the query to get our Actual expenses for the current year

12. Select the POV button on the Essbase ribbon to open the POV dialog box.

Essbase ribbon with POV button highlighted

13. Select the downward facing triangle next to Forecast and then select the … to open the Member Selection dialog box for Scenario.

14. Select Actual and move it to the Selection pane.

Member Selection with Final checked and move to selection pane button highlighted

15. If there are any other versions in the selection pane, select them and move them to the left panel.

16. Select OK to select Actual for the Scenario.

17. Move your mouse over the title bar of the POV dialog box until you see the four headed arrow

POV with 4-headed arrow

18. Drag the box to the Essbase ribbon and drop it to anchor the POV. Your window should look like this:

POV below the toolbar

19. Select the drop-down arrow next to Working and select the … to open the Member Selection dialog box for Version.

20. Select Final and move it to the Selection pane.

21. Remove Version and Working and select OK.

22. Select the Refresh button in the ribbon to update your query.

23. Save your file.

Next Topic: Selecting Multiple Members