Exercise 6

Exercise 6: Cascading Reports

In this exercise you will take the report you created in Exercise 5 and use the Cascade feature to extend it to four more reports, one on each sheet of the workbook.


1. Open the file Exercise5.xlsx

2. Select the Panel button on the Smart View ribbon.

3. Select Shared Connections and enter your password.

4. Select the Refresh icon to refresh the data in the report.

5. For this exercise, you will use the Cascade feature to create four more reports, one on each sheet in this workbook, for DeptIDs in your division.

6. With your cursor on cell C1, select the arrow on the Cascade button on the Essbase ribbon.

Essbase ribbon with Cascade button highlighted

7. Select Same Workbook.

8. Review the Select Cascade Members dialog box to be sure the number of cascaded sheets is 1 before you begin selecting the dimension and members to cascade. If a dimension shows the dimension name and a member, delete the dimension name so that your dialog box looks like this example.

Cascade dialog box with one member per dimension             

9. Select the button to open the Member Selection dialog box for Total Entity.

10. Expand the tree so that you can see DeptIDs in your entity.

11. Move several (3-7) DeptIDs to the selection pane and select OK to accept the selection.

12. Review the Number of cascaded sheets to be sure it is a reasonable number. Each sheet takes server resources and time to generate. For this reason, it is recommended that you limit the number of cascaded sheets created at one time to 10-12, depending on the size (rows * columns) of the sheet being cascaded.

13. Select OK. Smart View generates the new sheets for each of the members you selected. The sheet names are the member names. You can change a sheet tab name by double-clicking on it and typing the new name.

Next Topic: Ad Hoc Queries from CalPlan