The CalPlan R181 Use of Reserves Template allows you to generate a report showing data for multiple entities so you can see department and division entries, each on their own page. You can generate this report from the web interface or from Smart View.
Generate R181 from the Web Interface
1. Once you are logged in, click the Explore button to access the repository of report templates.
2. Double-click the Budget Template folder
3. Double-click the Current Budget Cycle folder
4. Double-click the R181 - Budget Template report in the right pane
5. In the Respond to Prompts window, you indicate the entities to include in the report. To see the entity tree, click the Member Selection button.
6. Expand the Total Entity tree and check the boxes for the members you want. Then click the Add to Selected (blue >) button to move the members to the right pane. They can be at different levels. For example, you can pick an L4 and also an L3.
7. Click OK to save your selection and close the window. It may take a couple seconds to load.
8. Use the Page drop-down to select the entity you want to view since each entity appears on a separate page.
If you know the code(s) for the entities you want, you can check the Edit Member Names box and then type the codes in the Selection text box, instead of steps 5-7.
- If, after running the report, you want to change the entities selected, go to the menu and select View / Respond to Prompts.
- To export the report or the data within the report, go to the menu and select File / Export. You can select Excel for a formatted report or Data / CSV for a comma separated values data sheet.
Generate R181 from Smart View
The R181 report is available in the Smart View interface. From the drop-down list in the Panel, connect to Report Settings and expand the tree to display the contents of Budget Template. Then select R181 - Use of Reserves Template.