Selecting Members

Access the Member Selection Dialog Box

While typing the member name is quick and easy, there will be times that you’ll want to open the Member Selection dialog box to drill down in the hierarchy and make your selection(s). There are four ways to open the Member Selection dialog box:

  • Click the . . .  on the Dimension label drop-down list
  • Click the . . .  for the desired dimension in the Floating POV dialog box
  • Click the . . .  for the desired dimension in the Anchored POV dialog box
  • Select a dimension in your worksheet and then select the Member Selection button

Essbase ribbon with Member Selection button highlighted

Complete the Member Selection Dialog Box

The Member Selection dialog box has two panes with buttons to move members in between the panes:

  • The left pane contains the entire member tree for the dimension
  • The right pane holds the members you have selected. These will populate in the spreadsheet when you click OK
  • The blue arrow used to include selected items in member selection  and blue arrow used to exclude selected items in member selection dialog box in between the two panels are used to move members between the panes

Member Selection dialog box

Selecting Members

  1. Expand the tree and check the box(es) for member(s) you want to select in the left panel of the Member Selection dialog box.
  2. Select the include button blue arrow used to include selected items in member selection to move members to the selection pane.
  3. If there are members in the selection pane that you don’t want, select them and select the exclude button blue arrow used to exclude selected items in member selection dialog box to remove.
  4. When you have the members you want in the selection pane, select OK.

Member Selection dialog box with buttons to move between panels highlighted

Ordering Members

The Arrow up used to move members up in the member selection dialog box and Arrow down used to move members down in the member selection dialog box buttons can be used to change the order of the members in the selection pane. For example, if you wanted to list the schools in alphabetical order by the school name instead of the entity code, you could select 1_SCEDU and click the  button to move the member up in the list.

Fill Vertical or Horizontal

By default, Essbase fills members vertically when you complete the Member Selection dialog box. However, when working with a dimension in a column, Essbase presents buttons that allow you to fill vertically or horizontally. The Fill Horizontally button is outlined in this screenshot.

Member Selection dialog box with Fill Horizontal button highlighted

Horizontal Fill Example

YearTotal and all months across the columns

Floating and Anchored POV

The POV button opens the POV dialog box. By default, the dialog box floats inside the worksheet. You can move the dialog box anywhere within the Excel window by hovering on the title bar until you see the four sided arrow and then dragging to the desired location.

POV floating on spreadsheet

If you prefer to have the POV anchored below the ribbon, drag the dialog box and drop it there.

POV below toolbar

hands on keyboard  Practice

Complete Exercise 2 to practice before continuing.