If you have an employee who is leaving your unit and you plan to rehire for the job you have two options for planning for the new hire compensations:
1. Reuse the existing plan data. Zero out the Monthly Reg Pay values in the months between when your existing employee will no longer be working for you and you plan to rehire for the position on the Manage Existing Employee and Job Codes, Monthly Reg Pay form. Put a note in the Comments field to indicate that the future plans are for the new hire.
2. Remove existing plan data and create a To Be Hired employee. Zero out the Monthly Reg Pay for all future months when your existing employee will no longer be working for you on the Manage Existing Employee and Job Codes, Monthly Reg Pay form. HCP will not be able to calculate a planned salary expense for those months and no planned benefits. Add a To Be Hired employee on the Manage Existing Employee and Job Codes Monthly Reg Pay tab and then add an earnings distribution for the To Be Hired from the Monthly Reg Pay form.
!Earnings distributions cannot be added to employees or To Be Hired employees from the Manage Existing Employee and Job Codes, Distributions form if no distribution exists for that member!