Human Capital Planning Reporting 

CalPlanning with UCPath HCM data available

March 5, 2021

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2021 January Actuals. The FY2020-21 Forecast Working version has been updated with January Actuals. We applied the annual removal of DeptIDs for planning.

Please review the March release notes for details about this update, including:

Simplified the way that Pooled Positions and Fee Remission are planned in HCP...

FY21 Forecast now available

February 5, 2021

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlan planning application is available with the FY21 beginning balance and July through December Actuals (this data has been available in CalRptg). The FY2020-21 Forecast Working version has been updated with the beginning balance and July through December Actuals.

Please review the February release notes for details...

February 2021 Release Notes

February 5, 2021

February 2021 CalPlanning Release Notes

The CalPlanning FY21 Forecast is now available for planning. We used data from CalPlanning FY21 Operating Budget Final as the source for FY21 Forecast.

We will open FY22 Operating Budget in March. Due to the continued uncertainty regarding COVID-19, the FY22 Operating Budget is currently blank and uneditable. We plan to pre-populate the FY22 Operating Budget with the Final version of the FY21 Operating Budget along with...

November 2019 Release Notes

November 13, 2019

November 2019 CalPlanning Release Notes

The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY20 Forecast Q1 Submission version.

We have also updated CalPlanning to improve performance, reliability, and compatibility with newer browsers and operating systems.

Please note: There will be several actions that all CalPlanning users need to do when first logging in. Please review ...

Upgraded CalPlanning Available

November 13, 2019
The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY20 Forecast Q1 Submission version.
We have also updated CalPlanning to improve performance, reliability, and compatibility with newer browsers and operating systems.
Please note: There will be several actions that all CalPlanning users need to do when first logging in. Please review the job aid for...

October 2019 Release Notes

October 11, 2019

October 2019 CalPlanning Release Notes

The HCP planning and HCPRptg reporting applications are available with several changes:

HCP and HCPRptg data was converted to match UCPath employee ID, job code, and account code.

HCP detail was copied from FY20 to FY21.

HCP now includes a calculation for UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) along with revised calculations for Composite Benefit Rates (CBR), General, Automobile, and Employment...

HCP and HCPRptg available with UCPath changes

October 11, 2019

The HCP planning and HCPRptg reporting applications are available with several changes:

HCP and HCPRptg data was converted to match UCPath employee ID, job code, and account code.

HCP detail was copied from FY20 to FY21.

HCP now includes a calculation for UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) along with revised calculations for Composite Benefit Rates (CBR), and General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL). DeptID adjustments which added UCRP costs to the plan have been cleared....

Copy HCM data to your HCP plan

February 6, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

CalPlan and HCP are now available with FY19 Forecast Q2 Submission.

HCP updated so you can review and copy data from HCM

In addition, the CalPlanning Human Capital Plan (HCP) tool has been updated so that you can review and copy existing employee distributions from Human Capital Management (HCM) to your HCP plan. This will allow planners to focus on key variances between HCM and HCP in salary and/or distributions. This will be helpful if you don’t regularly...

CalPlanning December 2018 Actuals available

January 18, 2019
CalPlanning Community,
The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2018 December Actuals. The FY2018-19 Forecast Working version has been updated with December Actuals. As a reminder, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis.
As part of this release, we applied the annual removal of DeptIDs for planning as requested by the November 9 deadline. We also removed one Chart1 member from CalPlan and HCP as...

January 2019 Release Notes

January 17, 2019

January 2019 CalPlanning Release Notes

The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2018 December Actuals. The FY2018-19 Forecast Working version has been updated with December Actuals. As a reminder, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis.

Dept ID Inactivation

As part of this release, we applied changes for DeptIDs that are in the process of being inactivated. Actuals remain in the original entity but the Forecast and Operating Budget amounts have been moved to the mapped entity....