FY2018-19 Forecast and FY2019-20 Operating Budget are now available

September 21, 2018

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget are now available for planning and the months of July and August have been actualized in the Working Forecast. We opened the FY20 operating budget early to allow you to reflect changes that extend into the next year. Additionally, as we will not need to overwrite HCP data with an annual refresh, there is no reason to delay the opening to February. We continually update CalPlanning with monthly Actuals data, including compensation.

If you are a new CalPlanning user, you’ll need toset your Financial Reporting point-of-view (POV) preferences

Please review the September release notes for details about this update, including

  • FY19 Forecast to FY20 Operating Budget

  • Actualized Forecast

  • HCP copy from FY19 to FY20

  • FY19 Beginning Balance details

  • Pooled position job code changes

Please note that CalPlanning will be conducting security maintenance on Friday, September 28 and will, therefore, be offline during that time. Please continue to check the CalPlanning website for details and updates.

If you have questions, please contact the Help Desk at calplanhelp@berkeley.edu

Thank you,

The CalPlanning Team

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance