
In CalPlan, Enter Data in Form is there a way I can remove all of the rows with no data or zeros?


When working in CalPlan on the Enter Data in Form tab you can hide rows with no data, with zeros or both.

From the row label, right-click and select Filter and choose one of the three options

Hide rows with no data Hide rows with zeros Hide rows with zeros and no data

To unhide the rows once hidden, from the row label, right-click and select Filter -> Show rows with zeros and no data

What is the difference between the two version of the HCP001 reports and when would I use each?

There are two versions of the HCP001. Which version you use will depend on which Fiscal Year, Scenario, Version intersection you are running in your report.

1. Employee Salary by Fund and Job Code will display the list of employees with their corresponding job codes for the entity prompted when selecting:

FY19 Operating Budget, all available versions FY18 Forecast, Working and once available both the Q3 Planner Submission and Final Actual Final all Fiscal Years
If run for any other Fiscal Year, Scenario, Version intersections the report will return the...

If I have an employee who is leaving that I will rehire for, do I need to remove them from HCP?

If you have an employee who is leaving your unit and you plan to rehire for the job you have two options for planning for the new hire compensations:

1. Reuse the existing plan data. Zero out the Monthly Reg Pay values in the months between when your existing employee will no longer be working for you and you plan to rehire for the position on the Manage Existing Employee and Job Codes, Monthly Reg Pay form. Put a note in the Comments field to indicate that the future plans are for the...

FY2018-19 Operating Budget open; actualized compensation data and simplified HCP available; FY2018-19 budget process update

February 22, 2018

CalPlanning Community,

The FY2018-19 Operating Budget is now open in CalPlanning. Please read below for information about tool enhancements and budget process planning.

Actualized compensation data and simplified HCP now available

We’re excited to announce that CalPlanning is now open with the following updates:

FY2017-18 Forecast Working is available with all closed months overwritten with actual data for all accounts, including compensation!...

CalPlan Actualized Forecast Demos Now Complete

January 23, 2018

The CalPlanning Actualized Forecast team hosted two CalPlan Actualized Forecast Demonstrations for campus finance members trained in the CalPlan tool. In each session, they provided an

Update for the Finance community on the changes to the CalPlan tool for the FY2018-19 budget cycle and timeline for implementing

Demonstration of the changes in the CalPlan tool

Reviewed CalPlan data entry tips & tricks

Identified new and existing CalPlan & CalRptg reports to support working with the actualized...

CalPlanning New Hire Planner Training Now Enrolling

January 4, 2018

In preparation for the FY2018-19 Budget Cycle, we are offering three additional CalPlanning classes for our new hire finance staff (start date after February 2016) with the Planner role:

Navigating CalPlan Compensation Planning Theory Navigating Human Capital Planning (HCP)

These classes are part of the CalPlanning series and should be attended in the order listed. The prerequisite for attending Navigating CalPlan is the completion of the four basic classes:

Introduction to CalPlanning CalPlanning Reporting Smart View Ad Hoc Basics 1 & 2

Read more and if you are a newly...