In this exercise, you will create an intersection to plan pooled position for Graduate Student Instructors and then create an intersection to plan the fee remission for those students.
1. Open the Create and Manage HCP Pooled Positions task and review the intersections for Graduate Student Instructors (GSI) if any exist. Identify a Dept ID that does not have an intersection for GSI.
2. With your mouse on an intersection for GSI (or another position if GSI does not exist) and Dept ID, right-click and select Manage Pooled Position \ Add Pooled Position from the quick menu.
3. The Runtime Prompts – Add Pooled Position Distribution dialog box is populated with the values from the row where you initiated the transaction.
- Change the Dept ID and Pooled Position as needed. Use Unrestricted_Plan and C1_SUMPLN for the Fund and Chart 1.
- Leave the default start and end fiscal years and periods as they are to plan for the remainder of the current year and for all of next year.
- Enter the Monthly Amount. The form will be populated with the same amount in each month. If you need different amounts for some months, you can adjust in the form after it is populated.
- Change the Account used to calculate benefits if needed. For GSI, it should be A50200_Acad_Student_Amt
- Review all of your entries and select Launch.
4. Select OK to acknowledge that the new intersection was successfully created.
5. In the form, edit the amount for any month that you want.
6. Click the Save button to save your changes to HCP.
7. Open the Create and Manage Fee Remisssions task.
8. Right-click on an intersection that has either the Dept ID or the GSI Pooled Position. If neither of these exist, right-click on any intersection.
9. Select Manage Fee Remission \ Add Fee Remission from the quick menu.
10. In the Runtime Prompts – Add Fee Remission dialog box:
- Change the Dept ID if necessary
- In the Optional: Enter Headcount to have HCP calculate Fee Remission field, enter 10
- Change the Pooled Position to GSI Pooled – JC if necessary
- Leave Optional: Enter monthly amount blank. HCP multiplies the headcount by the fee remission rate for the pooled position to calculate the fee remission for account 5380X – Fee Remission – Plan. (If you prefer to plan by entering a monthly amount, leave the Headcount blank. If values are entered in both fields, the headcount * fee remission rate calculation is used.)
11. Review all of your entries and click Launch.
12. Click OK to acknowledge that the new intersection was successfully created.
13. Review the data in the form.
Return to course: Dept ID Comp Adjustments