Navigating CalPlan - Exercise 7

1. Click the Explore icon to open the report repository.

 CalPlanning user interface with Explore button highlighted

2. Double-click the CalPlanning folder.

CalPlanning report folders

3. Double-click the CalPlan folder.

4. Double-click R104 - SRECNA Low to open the Preview User Point of View dialog box for this report.

CalPlan reports menu with R104 SRECNA Low selected

5. Make the following selections in the Preview User Point of View dialog box:

Period: YearTotal

Chart1: Chart1

Entity: enter a department or division in your unit

Year: FY24

Scenario: Operating Budget

Version: Planner Submission


6. Click OK to generate the report.

End of Self-Study

This concludes the self-study portion of Navigating CalPlan. Please be sure to join the scheduled group session to review the self-study and work on a case study.