
CalPlanning for FY26 Budget

CalPlanning for FY26 Budget is a one-hour session that covers data seeded in CalPlanning, the Multiyear Budget Template, the new Expense Growth Model (EGM), and enhancements to CalPlan and HCP. Three sessions are available via Zoom. You do not need to register. Click a link to add the session to your calendar.

Course materials are available at CalPlanning for FY26 Budget.

CalPlanning Learning and Support

CalPlanning Learning and Support

Getting Started Guide

The CalPlanning Getting Started Guide is a good place for new users to get begin learning about CalPlanning.

Office Hours

Office hours are available so that you can ask specific questions about CalPlanning and Smart View. Request a session and indicate the topic for which you are requesting support. Office hours are an opportunity to get individual support for a specific challenge your unit is facing; they are not a replacement for training. 

Learning Format

Our curriculum of CalPlanning and Smart View courses using a blended learning model. Courses begin with self-study using online “books” divided into chapters supplemented with practice exercises and short videos. Courses culminate with a group session using Zoom in which participants will work on case studies in small teams to apply the material covered in the self-study.

The self-study materials are available on the website for everyone to use; they can be a helpful resource for those that have already completed the training and are looking for a refresher. See the page for the course you are interested in to access the self-study materials and job aids.

CalPlanning Roles and Courses

CalRptg Only Role

  • People with reporting access should start with CalPlanning: Intro & Reporting to learn to use the pre-designed CalPlanning report templates.
  • Individuals that will design their own reports will also take Smart View Ad Hoc for CalRptg.

Planner Role

  • In addition to the reporting classes described above planners will also need to take Navigating CalPlan and Navigating HCP to learn to enter plan data into CalPlan and HCP.
  • Smart View for Planning introduces the Excel interface to the CalPlan and HCP forms for entering data. This class is also recommended for planners.
  • For course descriptions and pre-requisites, use the menu on the top or left panel to go to the course page

CalPlanning Courses

CalPlanning: Intro & Reporting

This course has 2-4 hours of required self-study prior to the 1½ hour group learning session.

Monday, March 17 10:00-11:30am


Tuesday, April 1 10:00-11:30am


Smart View Ad Hoc for CalRptg

This course has approximately 2 hours of required self-study prior to each group learning session. There are 2 group learning sessions in this course; you must attend both sessions.

Friday, March 21 and 28



Thursday, April 10 and 17



Navigating CalPlan

This course has 2-3 hours of required self-study prior to the 1½ hour group learning session.

Tuesday, March 25 10:00-11:30am


Monday, April 7 10:00-11:30am


Navigating HCP

This course has 2-4 hours of required self-study prior to the 2 hour group learning session.

Wednesday, April 2 10:00-11:30am


Wednesday, April 16 10:00-11:30am


Smart View for Planning

This course has 2-3 hours of required self-study prior to a 1 hour group learning session.

Friday, April 4 10:00-11:30am


Tuesday, April 15 10:00-11:30am
