FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget are now available

August 6, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget are now available for planning. We used data from CalPlanning FY20 Operating Budget Final as sources for FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget. 

Only CalPlan is currently available for updates. 

HCP will remain unavailable for the time being. We have been working to convert the data to sync with UCPath (job code, employee ID and account code). When this is done, we will open HCP for the FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget. We expect this will happen in late September or early October. We’ll reach out to you with more information as soon as we can. 

Please review the release notes for more information and check the CalPlanning website for updates.

If you have questions, please contact the CalPlanning Help Desk at calplanhelp@berkeley.edu or (510) 664-9000 option 1 (for IT), then 2 (for CalPlanning).

Thank you,

The CalPlanning Team

Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance