CalPlanning Community,
CalPlan and HCP are now available with FY19 Forecast Q2 Submission.
HCP updated so you can review and copy data from HCM
In addition, the CalPlanning Human Capital Plan (HCP) tool has been updated so that you can review and copy existing employee distributions from Human Capital Management (HCM) to your HCP plan. This will allow planners to focus on key variances between HCM and HCP in salary and/or distributions. This will be helpful if you don’t regularly update your plans or if your unit has gone through a large reorganization.
See the release notes and instructions on how to copy current HCM data to HCP plan data.
Sign up for budget process office hours
We’re offering a series of drop-in office hour sessions. These are not training sessions but opportunities to ask questions about the budget process, completing the templates and entering budget data into CalPlanning. The office hours will be held in room 670 of University Hall and will be staffed by the Financial Planning & Analysis team. Dates will continue to be added to the sign-up sheet as they become available. Please bring your laptop with you to the session. Follow this link to sign up for office hours.
If you have questions, please contact the Help Desk at
Thank you,
The CalPlanning Team
Office of the Vice Chancellor of Finance