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January 25, 2020

The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2019 December Actuals. The FY2019-20 Forecast Working version has been updated with December Actuals. 

In addition, we have updated central transfers (including the General Allocation, for FY20 and FY21. 

As part of the January 2 release, we applied the annual removal of DeptIDs for planning. 

November 13, 2019

The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY20 Forecast Q1 Submission version.  

We have also updated CalPlanning to improve performance, reliability, and compatibility with newer browsers and operating systems.

October 11, 2019

The HCP planning and HCPRptg reporting applications are available with several changes:

  • HCP and HCPRptg data was converted to match UCPath employee ID, job code, and account code.

  • HCP detail was copied from FY20 to FY21.

September 19, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlan planning application is available with FY20 beginning balance, July, and August Actuals (this data has been available in CalRptg). The FY2019-20 Forecast Working version has been updated with beginning balance, July, and August Actuals. 

Please review the September release notes for details about this update, including:

August 6, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget are now available for planning. We used data from CalPlanning FY20 Operating Budget Final as sources for FY20 Forecast and FY21 Operating Budget. 

Only CalPlan is currently available for updates. 

March 5, 2019

We’re offering a series of drop-in office hour sessions. These are not training sessions but opportunities to ask questions about the budget process, completing the templates and entering budget data into CalPlanning. The office hours will be held in room 670 of University Hall and will be staffed by the Financial Planning & Analysis team. Dates will continue to be added to the sign-up sheet as they become available.

February 6, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

CalPlan and HCP are now available with FY19 Forecast Q2 Submission.

HCP updated so you can review and copy data from HCM

January 18, 2019

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, HCP, CalRptg, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with 2018 December Actuals. The FY2018-19 Forecast Working version has been updated with December Actuals. As a reminder, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis.

November 8, 2018

The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY19 Forecast Q1 Submission version available for reporting.  

September 21, 2018

CalPlanning Community,

The CalPlanning FY19 Forecast and FY20 Operating Budget are now available for planning and the months of July and August have been actualized in the Working Forecast. We opened the FY20 operating budget early to allow you to reflect changes that extend into the next year. Additionally, as we will not need to overwrite HCP data with an annual refresh, there is no reason to delay the opening to February. We continually update CalPlanning with monthly Actuals data, including compensation.

March 2, 2018

Come work on revising your FY2018 Forecast and FY2019 Operating Budget with the support of your CalPlanning trainer, the tech team, your peers and our campus budget process experts.

Go the CalPlanning Training page for direct links to enroll in a session and for details.

February 22, 2018

CalPlanning Community,

The FY2018-19 Operating Budget is now open in CalPlanning. Please read below for information about tool enhancements and budget process planning.

Actualized compensation data and simplified HCP now available

We’re excited to announce that CalPlanning is now open with the following updates:

January 30, 2018

January 23, 2018

The CalPlanning Actualized Forecast team hosted two CalPlan Actualized Forecast Demonstrations for campus finance members trained in the CalPlan tool. In each session, they provided an

  • Update for the Finance community on the changes to the CalPlan tool for the FY2018-19 budget cycle and timeline for implementing

  • Demonstration of the changes in the CalPlan tool

  • Reviewed CalPlan data entry tips & tricks

January 4, 2018

In preparation for the FY2018-19 Budget Cycle, we are offering three additional CalPlanning classes for our new hire finance staff (start date after February 2016) with the Planner role:

  1. Navigating CalPlan
  2. Compensation Planning Theory
  3. Navigating Human Capital Planning (HCP)

These classes are part of the CalPlanning series and should be attended in the order listed. The prerequisite for attending Navigating CalPlan is the completion of the four basic classes:

December 19, 2017

CalPlanning Community,

You asked and we heard you! We’re excited to announce that the CalPlan Forecast Working is actualized. When you log in, the Forecast Working will contain Actual data for closed months for everything but compensation. Compensation is coming in February 2018. Information about the project, including monthly updates, is available on the Actualized Forecast & Simplified HCP project page on the VC Finance website.

December 15, 2017

Enroll in one of the upcoming CalPlan Actualized Forecast Demonstrations for campus finance members trained in the CalPlan tool. In each session, we will provide an

  • Update for the Finance community on the changes to the CalPlan tool for the FY2018-19 budget cycle and timeline for implementing

  • Demonstrate the changes in the CalPlan tool

  • Review CalPlan data entry tips & tricks

December 6, 2017

The CalPlanning planner tools, CalPlan and HCP, are now available with the FY18 Forecast Q1 Submission version available for reporting.

As previously communicated, we will be actualizing the forecast later this month. A new version of the forecast called "PriorMonth" is available for reporting. PriorMonth will be overwritten each month; it is currently the same as Q1 submission.

November 17, 2017

October Actuals are now available in all CalPlanning tools and FY18 Forecast Working has been updated with the FY18 final GAEL, Fee Remission, and Composite Benefit Rates (CBR) rates.

September 19, 2017

The CalPlanning tools (CalPlan, CalRptg, HCP, HCPRptg, SmartView) are available with the following updates: