Navigating HCP - Exercise 8

In this exercise, you will practice navigating between summary and detail levels within HCP using the Compensation Drill Through form.


1. Open the Compensation Drill Through task

2. Select the My Org link to set your organization to a department (L4 in the org tree)

3. Find an instance of Account 51200 Staff Wages & Salaries with a higher than average amount budgeted. Right-click on the account and select Account_Details_ByEmpl.

Compensation Drill Through Account_Details_ByEmpl context sensitive menu 

4. Review the details by Employee, Job Code, Dept ID, Account, Fund, and CF1. Find an employee whose pay you are interested in and right-click on the employee name. Select Edit EE Details. If the employee has multiple distributions, right-click on the one you are interested in.

Compensation Drill Through Edit EE Details menu 

5. On the DT Monthly Pay Rate tab, change the amounts for the open months in this year.

Compensation Drill Through Employee Details DT Monthly Pay Rate 

6. Save your changes

7. Select the Account Details link in the upper left corner to return to the Account Details

Compensation Drill Through with Account Details link highlighted 

End of Self-Study

This concludes the self-study portion of Navigating HCP. Please be sure to join the scheduled group session to review the self-study and work on a case study.