In this exercise, you will enter data into the Update Data in Form. Then you’ll filter the data and export to an Excel file.
1. If the left panel with your task list is hidden, click the triangle to display it
2. Open the Update Data in Form and select the Budget – Non-Comp Expense tab
3. To update data, you must be at the lowest level of detail for each dimension. Select a DeptID that you can write to from the first drop-down list. In the Page Dimensions box, detail members are shown in black and summary members in blue.
4. From the Fund list, select Unrestricted - Plan.
5. From the Chart1 list, select C1_SUMPLN
6. Click the Go button (right arrow) to fetch the data
7. There are many rows that do not appear to have any data. Right-click on an account and select Filter \ Hide rows with no data from the quick menu
8. Right-click on an account and select Filter \ Show rows with no data so you can display all rows
9. From the menu, select Tools \ Export as Spreadsheet
10. Double-click the file to open it
11. The system presents a warning message about the file format. It is safe to open the file, so select Yes.
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