How do I get access to Smart View?

Access to Smart View is included with all CalPlanning access requests.

Campus finance members who require access to the CalPlanning tools must have their local access provider submit a CalPlanning User Access Request Form. The CalPlanning data repositories a user can access with Smart View are based on their CalPlanning role of either:

  • Planner (CalPlan, HCP, CalRpgt & HCPRptg)
  • Reporting (CalRptg and HCPRptg)
  • CalRptg (CalRptg).

Once their CalPlanning access is set up, a user can access Smart View via or they can contact the CSS IT Help Desk at or (510) 664-9000 option 1 (for IT), then 2 (for CalPlanning) to submit a ticket requesting an install of the Smart View plugin on their workstation.