August 2017

August 17, 2017

August 2017 CalPlanning Release Notes

1. The FY18 Forecast is now available

We copied the FY18 Operating Budget to the FY18 Forecast:

  • FY18 Forecast Initial is available for reporting
  • FY18 Forecast Working is available for editing (both CalPlan and HCP) and reporting

Read below for more details, including Actuals and Beginning Balance Loads and this winter’s Human Capital Management (HCM) data load into Human Capital Planning (HCP).

FY18 Operating Budget copied to the FY18 Forecast

The finalized FY18 Operating Budget (Working and Final versions) was copied to the FY18 Forecast Initial and Working versions. The Initial version is open for reporting, the Working version is open for editing and reporting, and the Task List is updated.

Remember to update your Point of View (POV) when accessing forms in CalPlan to edit the FY18 Forecast Working to:

  • Year: FY18
  • Scenario: Forecast
  • Version: Working

HCP data in the FY18 Forecast

Employee and Position data in the FY18 Forecast has been copied directly from the FY18 Operating Budget Working version data. Data was not refreshed from the source system. We anticipate refreshing from HCM in the winter.

Recommended action:

Since HCP data will be refreshed in the winter, to avoid duplication of work, we recommend only making changes if they are material or if needed for Q1 forecast reporting. Consider that any changes made to individual Employees and Positions during this period will be overwritten by the HCM data load in the winter.

  • What is an HCP data refresh?
    An HCP data refresh is the process of overwriting all existing  HCP data in the current Forecast with new Employee and Position data from the source system, HCM. The result is fresh employee and position data for the current fiscal year.
  • What are the Composite Benefits Rates (CBR) in the FY18 Forecast?
    The Fringe Accounts and CBR reflected in the FY18 Forecast were copied from the FY18 Operating Budget. These rates reflect the planned rates published on the CBR page We will update the CBR rates in HCP after the final rates are published by Space and Capital Resources later this fall.
  • What are the General, Automobile, and Employment Liability (GAEL) and Fee Remission rates in the FY18 Forecast?
    The GAEL and Fee Remission rates reflected in the FY18 Forecast were copied from the FY18 Operating Budget. New rates have been announced but they will be applied to the FY18 Forecast at future date.

2. FY18 Actual Beginning Balances will loaded to CalRptg (only) when available in BAIRS

  • FY18 Beginning Balances will loaded to CalRptg Actuals only (not to CalPlan) within a few days of being available in BAIRS.

    • Because additional technical effort is needed to load Beginning Balances to CalPlan, that data will be loaded in September.

  • To allow for more flexible reporting, CalRptg is updated with Actuals on a daily basis. Depending on the timing of when you pull your data, CalRptg may include data for unclosed months (for example, when looking at the data between September 1 and September 19 you will see FY18 Beginning Balances and July and August Actuals in CalRptg but not in CalPlan). See the Daily CalRptg Actuals Job Aid for more information.

3. Actual Beginning Balances load to CalPlan FY18 Forecast coming in September

Please check the CalPlanning website for the most up-to-date information about Beginning Balances for FY18 Forecast Working and FY18 Actuals in CalPlan.

For assistance with CalPlanning, please contact the Help Desk at